“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”―Joseph Campbell

Answer these questions honestly and you will find your bliss.

What humbles you, bringing you to your knees?

What do you stand gaping, open-mouthed in awe of?

Who do you love impossibly and with every inch of possibility?

What rock have you lifted to find Grace buried under it, waiting for you to pick it up?

When you bring your hands together—there, like that—whose name is on your lips, as you bow your head closer to your heart?

Who have you lost along the way, only to discover losing is only a temporary room where voices, smells, and gestures nestle before they return to the bed you’ve carefully made in your heart?

Which words crack your heart open?
Which silences?

What makes you get very quiet and listen as if your life depended on it?

What if it did?

What if it all boiled down to that moment, there on your knees, listening with grace?

In the comment section below answer any  or all  of the above questions. Start with question 1) What humbles you, bringing you to your knees?

___________ humbles me.

What you put in your space equals your bliss. So go ahead, fill in the space. Fill in the spaces with bliss.

For Question 1, my answer would be: Watching my friend Emily deal with her baby’s Tay Sachs Disease and impending death humbles me. Mary Oliver’s poetry humbles me. Positively Positive humbles me and brings me to my knees quite often. My husband’s love humbles me. Bethany Hamilton humbles me. Watching the people who take my yoga class have breakthrough after breakthrough: that humbles me! Wayne Dyer, when he speaks, brings me to my knees. My nephew, who has Prader Willi Syndrome and is Autistic humbles me when he writes his name proudly.

You humble me.

Yes, You!

Jennifer Pastiloff was recently featured on Good Morning America. She is a yoga teacher, writer, and advocate for children with special needs based in L.A. She is also the creator of Manifestation Yoga® and leads retreats and workshops all over the world. Jennifer is currently writing a book and has a popular daily blog called Manifestation Station. Find her on Facebook and Twitter.