As we loosen our grip from the handlebars of life and begin to let go of what we think we need to uphold, we become aware there is no-thing to uphold and realize we already are the masters of our own experience. When we refocus from within and let go of the out-dated agreements we carry, we then come in connection with our Sacred Heart, teaching us the wisdom of love that’s liberated from ego and fear.

To be a master of our own experience means to welcome and honor all parts our lives, including our mis-takes and causes of suffering, and continually allowing ourselves the freedom to learn from them and to take another chance.

Joseph Campbell said, “We must let go of the life we had planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

We must also forgive and let go so we may experience this inner state of love and mastery that awaits us.

As we begin to open our Heart Space and forgive, releasing others from prior mis-takes, we, in the same gesture, offer this gift to ourselves. Mastering our own experience requires us to have this structure in our own lives, so that we may extend to others. Grace is when we fully embrace the possibility that we and everyone else we meet are simply doing our very best using the life skills and tools we have and learned up to today. From this point, we can release our judgment of the past and expectations of the future and experience what this feels like to be firmly rooted in relationships of mutual acceptance for the purpose of growing and thriving with one another.

Charity is the ability to focus on the love inside another being for the purpose of looking past their limitation or fear. If we train ourselves to look directly through fear, we can experience what it feels like to give unconditional love to another. From here, we can experience the qualities in each other we desire for ourselves. So as a matter of self-interest and the benefit of others, let’s make space in our hearts, being present to our mis-takes, sharing forgiveness, and providing charity to ourselves and each beautiful sentient being we chance to meet, so we may also embrace each holy encounter with another and especially in a deeper level of intimacy with the ones we love the most.

When we live from a place such as this and surround ourselves with people in a community—common-unity—who regularly practice uncovering fundamental truths such as these, we are then able to make the mis-takes we need to make and be loved, while supporting others through their mis-takes and extend love and comfort to them.

Remember, to make a mis-take means we have stepped into action, and if we choose to accept the learning that accompanies our action, we change, transform, and grow and, in turn, become better equipped to affect the transformation of our planet.

A Course in Miracles says that every encounter we have with another being is whole and holy, divine in its nature. In accordance with this, it makes perfect sense that we extend forgiveness, love, and charity to others and ourselves so we may enjoy and accept our unique process of growth while on our path of service as we unfold into our Divine calling on earth.

In love and heart,


Amy Alcini is the Founder and CEO of Recycling Happiness™. She is an Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Poet. Her debut collection of poems entitled Symphony Upon My Soul is available on Amazon. Within two weeks of its release, it made its way to #2 on The Amazon Best Seller List (in love poem books) and ranked #1 in Hot New Releases.

Her new book Recycling Happiness: A Return to Heart, is set to be released Feb 2014.