“The fastest way to your own happiness is to make another happy.”
Deepak Chopra

And the same is true for reducing suffering. So today, I want to invite you to spend the next couple minutes joining me in a guided compassion meditation.

Start by thinking of someone (whether you know them personally or not) whom you believe is suffering, in pain, or sick and could use your compassionate energy and loving attention.

Once you have that person in mind, sit back and get comfortable. Take a long, slow, deep breath, gently close your eyes, and let me guide you for the next couple minutes.

I want you to feel good about yourself because you have done a service for someone else today. As you build your compassion muscle, you will be able to witness someone’s suffering without looking away or getting so involved that you lose yourself.

If you would like to put the person’s name in the comments, we will all keep them as our focus in our daily meditations.

I hope you have a week filled with compassion toward others and YOU.

Love Love Love


Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and an expert at turning fear into freedom. Sign up for Terri’s weekly Tune Up Tips and follow her on Twitter.

*Photo Credit: AlicePopkorn via Compfight cc