Recently, I was listening to a story on NPR radio about American’s post-holiday debt which seems to go up every year recession or not.

According to a recent survey Americans currently add over a $1,000 more to their monthly expenses post holiday season for the first quarter of the year.

The radio report shared statistics according to states and cities, and then went on to say that by mid-January the holiday JOY turns into holiday depression. Compulsive or addictive spending in many cases turns from excitement to pain.

I don’t participate in a lot of holiday spending. I created a system years ago where I gift people throughout the year. The only holiday spending I do is on experiences rather than things. Because most of us have a lot of things we do not use or need.

Experiences will live on forever in our hearts and minds. @laurafenamore (Click to Tweet!)

At the same time, I have no judgement about what works for other people. However, I am saddened to think that people start the year off feeling sad and uneasy about their debt.

What I know today, after many years of soul searching, is that there is never enough stuff to fill the black hole most of us are trying to fill.

Scarcity, also a common feeling of having less than others or lack, is an internal set up that nags at us and makes us feel less than others. I know the pain of a scarcity mentality too well.

I understand it because I have been on every side of the void. I understand being “seduced by stuff” to fill the black hole, and I also understand the “freedom” that comes when you say NO to trying to fill the black hole with food or sex or money or anything that distracts you from being who you are.

Most of us don’t feel:

rich enough,

smart enough,

pretty enough,

good enough,

and certainly in my line of work women never feel THIN or PRETTY ENOUGH.

So why not make your goal, starting right now, to feel like enough exactly as you are?

Your mind may then say, “But I’m NOT good enough!”

You can override that thought with a counter thought which is: “I am good enough exactly as I am”.

Here are three simple ways to support your feeling enough.

1. Every morning when you get up, stand in front of the mirror and declare to yourself and the universe:

I am enough.

I have enough.

I give enough.

You can’t say it too often or too much. The more you say it the more your cells will hear it.

2. Consider the following: (use any of these are personal mantras)

True wealth is a peaceful state of mind.
True wealth is abundant physical health.
True wealth is spiritual connection to source energy.
True wealth is emotional wellness.

And true wealth (or happiness in oneself) is directly proportional to the happiness one brings to others.

3. Dialogue with someone you trust who you know feels good about themselves. Have a talk with them about how they overcame the pressure to over give and overdo. And if you know no one like that, then this step should be to go find that person and befriend them.

And then next holiday season or any time for that matter, as you reach to overspend a now familiar voice inside you will say:

“I have nothing to prove by over giving and overspending this year. I know I am enough even if I don’t buy expensive gifts & give beyond my means, etc.”

I want to hear from you now. Are you feeling like enough? Please comment below.

Laura Fenamore, Body Image Expert, Coach and acclaimed Author is on a mission to help women around the world end the constant battle with their bodies and start adoring who they see in the mirror. Her approach walks students and readers through the heartfelt journey to self-love at any size or age by unlocking the secrets to a lifetime of emotional, physical and spiritual health. After overcoming a lifelong battle with addiction, obesity, and eating disorders, Laura released 100 pounds – keeping it off for more than 28 years. She chronicles this journey to self-love and health in her widely acclaimed book, Skinny, Fat, Perfect: Love Who You See in the Mirror. Learn more about Laura’s programs, or invite her to speak by visiting

Image courtesy of Anthony DeRosa.