If you anticipate undesirable circumstances with resistance and dread, you are probably feeling pretty dreadful!

Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgment of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you’re going to do about it. “ –Kathleen Casey Theisen

When we look ahead with dread and anxious anticipation, it makes an already undesirable situation even worse.

When we see ourselves as victims of our circumstances, we are blind to the choices we actually do have. What we can do instead is approach any upcoming roadblock with preparation and then move into acceptance.


Consider something in your life that you are not looking forward to. Instead of going into overwhelm, what are the action steps you can take to prepare? Instead of resisting or complaining, how does it feel to simply accept what you believe is ahead of you? Notice that as you do this, the upset around the expected inconvenience or undesirable situation begins to fade.

Life isn’t always convenient. There will roadblocks, speed bumps, detours and closures along the way.

The more you prepare yourself by asking yourself, “What can I do?” versus “Why is this happening?” the smoother your road will be.

The more you go with the flow by moving into acceptance, the more things in your life will flow. And be open to the possibility of being pleasantly surprised along the way. Most of the time, the things we dread are never as bad as we imagined them to be.


P.S. I have a new podcast where I coach people LIVE on the air. Head over to Over it and On With It and listen in for inspiration and action steps.

Christine Hassler has broken down the complex and overwhelming experience of recovering from disappointment into a step-by-step treatment plan in her new book Expectation Hangover. This book reveals the formula for how to process disappointment on the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels to immediately ease suffering. Instead of wallowing in regret, self-recrimination, or anger, we can see these experiences as catalysts for profound transformation and doorways that open to possibility. You can find more info on her website, and follow her on Twitter and FB.

Image courtesy of alseeger.