Good Life Project is a weekly web show that features in-depth interviews with acclaimed artists, entrepreneurs, creators, and world-shakers. Join the movement and get instant access to show MP3s by signing up here.

Over the past dozen years, Chris Guillebeau has been on a quest to figure out how best to serve the world while also serving his own desire to grow on a personal level and build a world-class, location-independent business.

Many of you will know Chris’ name, especially as the author of the fantastic New York Times bestseller The $100 Startup.

What you may not know, though, is that a dozen years ago, you could find him eeking out a living selling things on eBay by day and playing jazz music by night. It wasn’t a bad blend of gigs. But, moved by the events of 9/11, a then twenty-three-year-old Chris yearned to contribute on a level that would change not only his own life, but the world around him. So, he set out on a quest that transported him and his wife, Jolie (who also happens to be a wonderful painter), from the southern calm of Alabama to a hospital ship in Africa.

That experience opened Chris’ eyes to needs, challenges, and possibilities he’d never seen before. And it set in motion an extraordinary journey that has led to the creation of:

“Without the edge, [life’s] boring…If you’re doing something that’s definitely achievable with 100% odds of success, where’s the draw in that?”
Chris Guillebeau

In this episode of Good Life Project™:

  • We’ll dive deep into this transformational journey with Chris
  • Learn more about each step, each project, and WHY he leaned into them
  • Do a bit of truth building and myth busting about location-independent business and travel
  • Explore what big awakenings and shifts in outlook he’s had along the way
  • Discover what drives Chris now and how his motivation has evolved over time
  • Learn why the possibility of failure must be on the table for anything worth doing
  • Find out where he’s headed next

As always, if you enjoy the episode, please share it with friends. And, if you prefer listening over viewing, just go ahead and subscribe here, and you’ll get instant access to the mp3 vault.

With gratitude,


Jonathan Fields is a dad, husband, author, speaker, lifestyle innovator, and entrepreneur who produces the acclaimed Good Life Project web show, blogs at, and runs book marketing educational venture His latest book Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel For Brilliance was named #1 personal development book of 2011 by 800-CEO-READ. He has been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, FastCompany, Inc., Entrepreneur, USA Today, People, CNBC,, PBS Nightly Report, O Magazine, Elle, Vogue, Self, Fitness, Yoga Journal, and thousands of other places that sound cool, but don’t impress his daughter all that much. You can also check him out on Facebook and Twitter.