Boosting your mood with food is easy to do by using whole natural foods; they enhance brain chemistry.

When neurotransmitters (hormone-like chemicals) become unbalanced, it causes sadness, compulsive thoughts, inability to concentrate, mood swings and depression.

Enjoying a peaceful relaxed state, where happiness abounds and self-esteem is high points to good levels of serotonin. @JulieDaniluk (Click to Tweet!)

We boost serotonin levels naturally by embracing the practice of yoga or tai chi, prayer and meditation. Even going for a walk among the trees and sitting in the sunlight can increase serotonin naturally. Talking with a close friend or writing to loved ones can bolster the love hormone oxytocin and serotonin levels. Beyond concentration and relaxation, the more serotonin you have on board, the less pain you will experience.

Foods that increase serotonin levels are foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates. Whole gluten free grains, including wild rice, buckwheat, amaranth, teff and quinoa, root vegetables, squash and fresh fruits boost serotonin levels, creating a sense of calm, peace and confidence. Herbs that help boost serotonin levels include ginseng, dandelion and burdock.

Enjoy These Mood Boosting Fun Foods:

Honey, Hemp, Walnuts and Sheep Yoghurt

This combination is a great source of the essential amino acid tryptophan, which helps to boost levels of serotonin (the happy hormone) in the brain. Researchers from Toronto University also found that the probiotic bacteria found in some yoghurts can decrease anxiety, helping to put you in a calmer frame of mind. It is so thick and creamy that it tastes like thawed ice cream. Try coconut yogurt if you are dairy intolerant. To sweeten yogurt reach for natural honey.

Healthy Popcorn!

Popcorn is high in carbohydrates, which stimulates the production of serotonin, helping you to feel happier. It is important to use an air popper, as microwave popcorn contains toxins, including artificial butter flavor that has been shown to create inflammation of the respiratory system. Stick with Organic Popcorn because conventional popcorn contains heavy pesticides that will cause hormonal imbalance. The trick is to stick to 25 grams carbs and enjoy this snack between 2 and 5 pm.  Simple carbs boost your mood fast but you can make it a “time-release” happy pill by adding vinegar and garlic chili flax oil to your popcorn. Corn is also a good source of folate (vitamin B9); the deficiency of which has been linked to depression.

Popcorn Toppings

~Nutritional yeast is one of the greatest sources of B vitamins, which can help to lift your mood. B vitamins are important for normal brain function and producing mood-boosting serotonin, with vitamins B12 and B6 being particularly beneficial for regulating your mood.

~We crave salt because it blunts stress by inhibiting hormones such as cortisol.

~Freshly chopped rosemary, a nervine, stress reliever and antidepressant. It increases alertness, strengthens memory and acts as an all-around brain tonic.

Stay tuned for more foods that boost your mood in Part Two of this article.

Julie Daniluk’s bestselling book, Meals That Heal Inflammation, advises on allergy-free eating that tastes great and assists the body in the healing process. As nutritionist and co-host of reality cooking show Healthy Gourmet (Oprah Winfrey Network), she negotiates the ongoing battle between taste and nutrition. Check out her amazing recipes and nutrition tips at

Connect with Julie on Facebook at Julie Daniluk Nutrition and on Instagram and Twitter @juliedaniluk.

Image courtesy of Camdiluv.