This past weekend I had close to 100 business associates and friends over, visiting me at a Summer Summit in my home town, where I was hosting a leadership training. We were working really hard together, but we also took some time out to have fun and hike the beautiful mountain trails surrounding Boulder.

We were all sitting around in the park after some fun activities and I was looking at everyone just having a good time and smiling. It was just this contemplative moment which was so powerful for me.

Here I was surrounded by a large group of entrepreneurs from all over the US and most of them I could now call my friend. It was one of those moments of awe. Have you ever experienced this?

Where you suddenly stop and look around and say…”Wow. How did this happen in my life?”

How did these amazing people come into my life? How am I so fortunate to attract these friends into my life, when for many of them just a short six months or two years ago, we were complete strangers?

And then it dawned upon me how this all happened. It all started just over three years ago when I said YES to life.  I was at a stage of my life when I wasn’t happy or fulfilled and wanted to make change. I decided to embrace that change and make it happen.

I dreamed of being successful and sharing the stage with some of the best in my industry, but I never knew all the other benefits that would come along with that decision. One of the best things that came with that decision, is the new connections and real friends I have created, not only in the US, but globally.

And that is the message I want to share with you.

When you say YES to life, magic can happen. @hayleyhobson (Click to Tweet!)

You will never be able to see all the potential benefits, nor will you be able to anticipate the path that journey will take you on…and it can be amazing.

And you don’t need to see how everything is going to map out. All you have to do is decide that you want something, say YES and go for it.

So here’s some tips for you on how to say Yes to life and let the magic emerge in your life.

  1. Decide on what you want – grab the vision in your mind of what you want and just decide that you’re going to give it your best shot. Don’t stress about all the details. Trust that everything you need will come along, during the path of the journey.
  2. Put in the effort – magic doesn’t just happen if you don’t take action and pitch up every day. You don’t need to try and force things, but you do need to put in the time, energy and effort that will move you towards your goals.
  3. Doubt and worry are your friends– saying Yes to life means change and going into a place where we are not always comfortable. That is a good thing and is totally normal. Too often people feel that discomfort, they get scared and turn back. Get comfortable in that place of discomfort and keep moving forward
  4. Embrace the negative – not everything will be smooth sailing and that is OK. Use these periods, situations or events as an opportunity to gain more knowledge and grow even more. It is in these times of challenge where we learn the most about ourselves.
  5. Invite others in on your journey – You can’t do this alone and neither should you. Open yourself up to those around you. Invite them to share your journey with you and if they choose not to…then find others that will.
  6. Just say Yes – What is it that you want? Why haven’t you started? What are you waiting for? No time will be perfect and those voices of self doubt and worry will not help. Just say YES and take that first step. Be open to change and all possibilities and magic will reveal itself along the way.

I assure you that when you say yes to life, like I did, you will go to places that you never ever thought possible.

I want to hear all about your journey.



Hayley Hobson is an author, speaker, Kick-A$$ Business Guru, 7 Figure MOM-treprenuer. and passionate about empowering others to live the life of their dreams and is based in Boulder, CO. Hayley creates lifestyle transformations by coaching her clients to become the best WHOLE version of themselves possible. To learn more about her nutritional courses, events, and custom programs, visit or follow her on Facebook or Twitter.