We are all born connected to our instincts with a strong knowledge of what’s happening inside our bodies. Many stop listening to their instincts later in life because of their upbringing and culture.

There is scientific proof that there is a direct connection between our bodies well-being and our mind. This relationship will determine the quality of our health. Our bodies love us unconditionally but when we get sick or have some sort of disease, it’s our bodies trying to get our attention.  “Hey, you are not taking care of me.”

If you find yourself sad or angry for a long period of time, you need to deal with those emotions. Unresolved, this emotional pain or drama only gets bigger. Repressing our negative feelings causes stress. Stress leads to illness and illness leads to disease which leads to a shortened lifespan.

Changes will need to be made in your life in order to get you back into great health. It could be your relationships, your job or how you are treating yourself which is hurting you.

Listening to what your body is trying to tell you will be the secret to a happy and fulfilling life.

It is important to keep in good physical condition with diet and exercise, but it is equally important – if not more so –  to take care of your mental and emotional well-being.

If you stop and listen, you’ll always have an understanding of what your body is trying to tell you. My father used to say – “Nobody knows more of what’s going on with me, than me.” He was right! That is why positivity and a positive outlook are so important to your health.

Illness is for some the only way to make you stop and reflect on your issues.

Sickness is trying to teach you something. Be a quick learner so that sickness doesn’t turn into something more serious.

Your mental health affects everything. @berniehiller (Click to Tweet!)

Find the positive in everything that is happening to you.

Your life depends on it!

Bernard Hiller is the premier acting and success coach in Hollywood. His revolutionary techniques and methods have taken the artistic and business community by storm. He teaches sold-out Masterclasses in over 16 countries. He trains top artists in Los Angeles and CEO’s around the globe. His methods of “behavior transformation” have resulted in amazing acting and business success. Bernard has started the career of Cameron Diaz and coached Jeff Goldblum, Lionel Richie, LL Cool J, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Doran, Emma Roberts, Billy Crystal, and Jennifer Garner to name only a few. Leonardo DiCaprio recommends him as the top coach in town. Bernard’s #1 Acting and Success book, Stop Acting-Start Living is a must read. You can connect with him on Facebook & Twitter

Image courtesy of Breno Machado.