It’s time to reclaim our power.

From a very young age, we’re taught to give away our power.

We’re taught that the answers to all of life’s questions exist somewhere outside of ourselves.

When faced with tough decisions, we’re confused because we’re torn between the domineering voice of the ego, telling us to stay small and play it safe, or, the subtle voice of our inner wisdom, telling us it’s OK to make an inspired change, to take on a new and exciting challenge, or to step out of our comfort zone.

This is what happened to me when I lost my “real job” a little while ago. I was putting all my eggs into one basket, thinking that I could treat my true purpose and calling as an energy healer, coach, and intuitive mentor as a mere hobby, and only allow myself to make money from my bartending job. Shame on me.

I refused to accept the fact that I had the ability to be a powerful teacher and creator of my own destiny. I repeatedly ignored the subtle nudge from the deepest part of myself that was telling me to pay attention to, and follow, the messages of my inner wisdom so that I could be, do, and have anything I wanted.

It took losing my job, my financial security, and let’s face it, some of my identity as a “worker bee,” to make me take a long, hard look at my life and what I ultimately wanted.

This wake-up call was an invitation from the universe to step into my power and to vow that I would no longer live a life ruled by fear, hibernating from my greatness. I chose to live a life of true abundance, divinely guided by my inner wisdom and fueled by the re-ignition of my invigorated sense of personal power.

So many times, the subtle energy of our inner Wise One introduces a call to action, inviting us to take a bold step into unfamiliar territory to unleash our powerful, creative, inspired, and unique energy upon the world.

Yet, we cut off the flow of that divine energy that is so desperately trying to communicate with us. We look for external validation of our worth, our gifts, and our abilities to create a life that is beyond extraordinary. Or worse, we look for examples in the external world that corroborate the stories and lies the ego tells us about who we are!

We allow ourselves to be lulled back into submission by the fear-based ego voice, telling us we are too simple, too ordinary, too short, too fat, too ugly, too poor, or too powerless to effect any change in our own lives, let alone the lives of others.

Too many echoes of lies and stories that we’ve been selling to ourselves about who we are have drowned out the fleeting moments of power we allowed ourselves to briefly feel.

We are really good at talking ourselves out of our own greatness. @KathrynMussell (Click to Tweet!)

So we shuffle back to our lives, humbled and defeated, to a dimmer, duller version of who the universe wants us to be – all because we don’t believe in our power to KNOW the truth about who we are at our deepest soul level. We are brilliant, blinding beacons of beautiful, creative energy, capable of powerfully manifesting whatever it is that we desire to be, do, and have.

THAT is the truth about who we are.

THAT is what our inner Wise One is always trying to tell us.

The best way to reclaim our power as beautifully gifted and talented creators is to know that we can manifest whatever experience we desire to have, and we have help from our inner guidance every step of the way. Your intuition is the messenger of the Higher Self. It has a singular purpose. It exists only to serve you and your highest good.

Start listening closely to the subtle energy of your intuition. Show the universe that anything less than an abundant and divinely inspired life is unacceptable by trusting in, and following, the guidance of your inner Wise One.

Believe that today’s leap of faith is tomorrow’s realized vision of your heart’s desire.

If you could untether your mind from the fear of your own greatness, what would your divinely inspired life look like?

Wishing you love, light, and fierce abundance


Kathryn Mussell is an energy coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, empath, writer, blogger. She is the owner of Kathryn Mussell Wellness where she helps people to clear their energy blocks, connect deeply with inner guidance and embrace their personal power. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.



Image courtesy of  Leah Kelley.