Our energy speaks louder than our words. When we want to achieve something, our intentions and vibrations determine the quality of the outcome.

If our intentions are based more on fears – like when the underlying fear of the desire to become rich is the fear of staying poor – then the richness doesn’t come to us effortlessly.

Likewise when our energy sends mixed signals about what we want to achieve, then we get a little bit of that experience and a little bit of another. But we don’t create exactly what we want. Instead substitutes come into our life until we show that we’re mature enough to set out heart-based intentions.

You can’t mess up anything by strengthening your love vibe. The rest will fall into the right place.

I found out that the most abundant space is when we’re in the vibrations of love. This is the most secure spot where you can’t really go wrong.

When I’m deeply seated in my heart, life becomes more flowing, and positive synchronicities reflect my inner state. Suddenly, people begin to contact me offering me great opportunities without me reaching out to them first. My work flows smoother and faster. Everything starts to fall into the right place.

When we’re in our hearts, we naturally have the best intentions for our goals and dreams. Thus the Universe mirrors our love energy and brings more of it to us. @sylviasalow (Click to Tweet!)

Life is easier when we’re on the love vibe, but how do we get there? And moreover, how do we stay there?

When life happens, and it always does, we need to train ourselves to focus on the love energy deliberately. I like to have a couple of tools that direct my focus back to love whenever I need it. Let me share some of them with you.

1. Prayer. I love prayers because they’re simple and you can say them in your mind any time. Of course, the prayer depends on what kind of higher power you believe in so the trick is to find something that works for you and what opens up your heart.

To me the best prayer goes something like this: Please, God (universe, Holy Spirit, higher self) help me to see truth and love in this situation (with this person). I surrender this situation to you because I can’t see it clearly. Please, help me to see the truth. I accept whatever it is. Your will is my will.

2. Meditation. If you meditate regularly then you know how quickly meditation can change your vibe. For those of you who don’t meditate often or you’re not sure how to start, I recommend having a positive calm music in your phone and plug the earphones and listen to the music. While listening to the music, imagine that you’re opening up your heart. Like there would be a beautiful flower which opens up its petals.

3. Give love. Anything we give, we also receive. You might have heard it, but you might not be sure how it works. When you give something (or think, say, feel, do), you experience it first in your body. The energy of your actions washes through your body before it leaves your system.

For instance, if you say something negative about someone else, then the negative intention behind your words goes through you first. Unconsciously, you direct the energy against yourself.

The same logic applies to when we give love. When you speak loving words or help someone in need, you strengthen the love energy within you. That’s why it feels so great to be in service to others (of course, if you’re not depleting yourself).

4. Create a love statement. Another way how to anchor more love is to create your own love statement. Light some candles, listen to inspiring music and write down what really matters to you and what your deepest values are. You can free write for a couple of minutes and then reread your text and underline what resonates with you the most. Then narrow it down until you get one sentence. This is your love statement. You can write the statement to some visible place or repeat it whenever you need it.

My love statement sums up everything what I believe we’re meant to do in this life and what stands behind my actions. My mantra is: Embody your soul.

What speaks to you?

You can manifest anything when you focus on feeling love more often. Of course, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes it’s okay to feel low. But if you want to experience more happy coincidences, then these tools will help you to manifest them.

What helps you to stay on the love vibe? We’d love to hear your tips!

Sylvia Salow is a motivational public speaker, a spiritual life coach, and an author of two books. In her work, she encourages people to unlock their potential and let go of their fears and emotional pain that stops them from creating the life they desire. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.



Image courtesy of Brooke Cagle.