People tell me I always look happy.

Even though I feel sad sometimes I feel genuinely happy most of the time.

Living in places like Fiji, Bali and New Zealand helped bring a smile to my face. But happiness has largely been an inside job for me and all happy folks.

I felt equally happy living in New Jersey or Thailand nearly a decade ago as I began circling the globe.

This is the happiness secret; as within, so without. @RyanBiddulph (Click to Tweet!)

How to Be Happy

Be incredibly happy by feeling happy now independent of circumstances.

Live inside-out.

I feel happy right now because I am alive. Life is good because infinite potential surrounds me. I write these words for the million member Positively Positive community while coasting 40,000 feet above the South Pacific.

I wrapped up a vie month trip to exotic spots like Oman, Turkey and Thailand yesterday. Plus I also enjoyed the most satiating glass of soda five minutes ago.

Both globe-trotting and soda glass experiences give me cause for incredible happiness. This is the secret to being predominantly happy; choose happiness now no matter the circumstances.

Develop Your Mental Muscle

Mind is a muscle.

Develop your mental muscle by focusing on positive ideas.

Positive ideas induce happy feelings.

List 20 positive ideas in your mind now. Scan your life experience from today, yesterday and the prior week. What feels happy to you? What do you feel grateful for now?

Record these ideas on a piece of paper to make happiness tangible.

Where your attention and energy goes, grows. Give your mind to positive, happiness-inducing thoughts to feel happier and happier. Plus you build your mental muscle to Mind Olympian proportions by focusing solely on positive ideas for a sustained period of time.

Give Your Attention and Energy Only to Happiness

Give your focus only to happy people, happy circumstances and happy ideas.

Flock to positive folks. Follow happy, empowered, highly successful entrepreneurs.

I became one of the top blogging tip bloggers on earth in part because I only networked with happy, successful blogging tips bloggers. Feasting on their energy and soaking up their knowledge, I became a positive, successful blogger by following their lead.

Give zero attention and energy to negative, dour people. Allow them to develop their mental muscle on their own. Every human is solely responsible for their happiness.

Giving your energy only to happiness creates a steady flow of happy experiences in your life. Expect to magnetize yourself to happy people in the process.

Be with Sadness

Every human being feels sadness.

Incredibly happy humans sit present with sadness to move along these unhappy energies.

Much of humanity feels unhappy because resisted sadness bubbles under the surface of their being. Stop fighting sadness. Hug the emotion. Feel it. Cry or become angry. Release the feelings. Feel happy again.

Observe a small child having a fit. Three-five minutes after the explosion, most kids feel happy again.

Being with your feelings moves the feelings along beautifully.

Invest Money in Resources from Happy People

I invested a nice chunk of change in positive thinking books over the years.

I also invested in self-help programs.

Money circulates. This means circulating money increases as cash flow back to you.

Investing money in happiness-inducing books or programs from positive pros gives you access to knowledge, experience and wisdom influencing you to be happy. Boosting your net worth by observing how circulated money increases makes you even happier.

Practice Happy Affirmations

Plaster a smile on your face, relax your body and affirm your happiness.

Happiness quickly floods your being.

I live a dream life because I practice positive self talk. Charging the affirmations with happy emotions made me happier and nudge me into calm, confident actions that promoted my blogging success.

Affirmations work incredibly well for energized, persistent people.

Relax. Smile. Affirm your happiness.

Be happy.

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who’s been featured on Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, Life Hack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog at Blogging From Paradise.



Image courtesy of Haley Phelps.