Without a strong connection to your Self, your true self, not your ego self or personality self or emotional self, it is way too easy to create a life, choose a career, start a business, stay in a relationship or job that will never nourish or fulfill you, no matter how hard you try.
Without consistent check-ins with your Self, it’s way too easy to end up 10 degrees off your soul’s path.
Too easy to get lost in doing too many things that actually don’t matter to you.
We hear lots about body/mind/spirit connection. But where’s the heart? Where’s the soul? We make lots of decisions from our logical minds, but is your life design really constellated and set up in a way that you LOVE YOUR LIFE, that you feel fulfilled and nourished and sustained? How successful are you feeling these days? Where are you giving your life force? Are you living your soul’s path or someone else’s version of success?
These are the kinds of inquiries we dive into in today’s Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and MBA…

Starts with Yourself
The first is Connection to Your Self, the true self – HEART, SOUL and body and then mind. Then we will dive into connection to your intimate circle and your connection to Spirit.Universe.Divine.
- What does it really mean to be connected to your Self? How do you know if you are or are not?
- How we fool ourselves to think we are connected to ourselves and making good choices, but are not.
- Four Foundational promises you want to make with yourself to make sure you stay connected to your true desires and path?
- Why we make choices that are not right and true for our Self, and how to gain the courage to stay true to yourself.
I’ll lead you through a series of inquiries based on self awareness, self acceptance and self empowerment that will get you feeling and thinking inside about how you want to design your life, work and relationships in the coming cycle.
- Are you designing a life you love, in which you generously to yourself? In what ways is this true? In what ways not?
- Are you living your soul design? In what ways are you in alignment with your soul’s path? And in what ways are you not?
- What is your body telling you about the health of your entire system? What your poop, periods and skin are alerting you to?
And lastly as I share these, you’ll start to open up to what you are intending and visioning for the new year …. from a deeper place than your mind. So you create a reality that sustains you, on all levels. Sustainable success.
I am excited to share these inquiries and stories with you in this Connection series, going through what I call the Trinity of Love – connection to Self, connection to Others, connection to the Divine.
May this support you to create a reality in which you can give your gifts, make a difference, savor your life, and receive what you need.
Big heart,
Christine Arylo
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Christine Arylo, MBA, is a women’s leadership advisor, transformational teacher and best selling author who works with women to make shift happen – in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the impact they desire to make. Marrying 20 years of business experience with 15 years of feminine & yogic wisdom training, Arylo illuminates how to lead and live a different way, the “feminine way” – professionally successful, internally empowered, and personally sustainable and satisfying. A powerful mentor and teacher known for her ability to translate deep wisdom into practical super powers, her programs on intuition, feminine power, and cultivating resilience, self-love and courage have reached over 35,000 students worldwide. She’s committed to working with emerging and established women leaders to awaken their full power and presence to lead the world and those they love and lead to more a more sustainable, compassionate and equitable world for all. Arylo is known for her powerful and real presence that inspires personal and social transformation. And for her stand for sisterhood and what is possible when women come together, drop their masks, speak from their hearts and truly support each other. Christine currently lives on an island off the coast of Seattle, where she is working on her fourth book: “Overwhelmed and Over It: Why It’s Not Your Fault and How to Find the Power To Change It.” Learn more about Christine at www.ChristineArylo.com and learn more about her Feminine Power Time Podcast at www.FemininePowerPodcast.com.
Image courtesy of Jackson David.