I am often asked what self love means. It’s a phrase we see (and hear) all around us. But what does it really mean?

Self love is different for everyone. Essentially, it’s creating space in your day to take care of yourself, physically and mentally. Self love is about honoring yourself, and what you’re going through. It’s about taking moments to refill your cup, to help enter each day with a fully charged battery.

For me, self love isn’t about moments, that’s not enough. It’s a lifestyle and a way of being. It is daily choices, in small moments and big moments, that lead to a self love kind of life.

To me, self love looks like this:

Choosing to honor how I feel.

Honoring that if something  feels wrong then it is.

Being authentic to myself.

Saying what I mean in as kind and gentle of a way as possible.

Choosing not to say things simply because someone wants to hear something.

Trusting my gut instincts.

Talking kindly to myself.

Making healthy food choices for my body.

Getting rest when I am tired.

Deep breaths when I am stressed.

Taking time for myself to create vision so that I can live an inspired life.

Keeping my dreams alive.

Saying yes to new things even if I am scared to fail.

Letting go of worry and choosing trust instead.

Choosing to be fully present in the moment.

Treating my body, mind, and spirit with love and respect.

Now that you have seen this list of things that define self love for me, what does your list look like? Please share below!

Robin Lee is a medical intuitive, author, mentor, gratitude advocate, and speaker who has helped thousands of people around the world understand the language of their bodies. Robin believes that our bodies innately know how to balance and heal themselves if given proper care and support. Visit her website and follow her on Facebook and Twitter, where she shares tips, tools, and techniques to honor our bodies and heal our lives!

Image courtesy of Erik Mclean.