I have run all day long. From my fulltime job to pick my kids up from their school, to those necessary random errands. Then comes the ubering portion of the day; getting one son to basketball practice, the other son to football practice, then back to pick each child up…from opposite sides of town, with only 15 minutes to spare between each practice ending. Finally, at nearly 7:45 p.m., I made my way home, with two sweaty, exhausted little boys in the backseat.

At 8:30 p.m. I hear, “Mom, I’m hungry.”. Sigh. I still have not sat down for the evening. Despite eating earlier (before practices), I throw a frozen pizza in the oven and all thoughts of eating healthy and providing nutritious, well-balanced meals fly out the window, as I just cannot manage another arduous task.

As I fold a long overdue pile of laundry in the solace of my bedroom, I notice a small little boy’s foot, escaping a blanket, just beyond my bedroom door. I walk to the edge of the room, peer into the hallway, and see this precious sight. My youngest son, wrapped in his favorite blanket, deeply sleeping on the hallway floor. Our cat investigating this unusual sight, somewhat distraught his typical evening routine has been interrupted.

Sometimes I feel sorry for myself.

As a single mom (with admittedly a lot of help which I cannot express my deep gratitude for) some days are just plain hard. I am weary. I am worn. I have nothing left to give.

But then I see a sight that pierces my heart. I see my child, too tired from this long day he has lived, to make it the few extra steps to his warm, comfy, empty bed. He literally fell asleep on the floor outside of his bedroom.

It is times like these that I realize I am not the only one struggling.

My kids are tired. My parents are weary. My fiancé is exhausted. The world is hurting…and fearful. We are all fighting battles others know nothing about. While there is strength in knowing we are not alone, there is also judgment in comparing life’s inevitable battles. And as we all know, in the game of comparison, no one wins

Have you ever been so tired you literally fell asleep on the floor, mere steps from your comfortable, warm, inviting bed? I personally have not. But my son has. It makes me wonder who else in my circle of influence is puttering along, showing a brave face to the world, but metaphorically falling asleep at life’s wheel.

Be kind, we are all fighting unique battles and simply need a friend to gently wake us up, carry (or guide) us to a comfortable, safe, welcoming bed of peaceful rest. 

Manndi Maphies DeBoef works at the UMKC School of Pharmacy at Missouri State University. She also enjoys freelance writing. Her greatest passion is being a boy mom to her two sons, William and Waylan, who never fail to provide daily entertainment, which inspires many of her writings. She writes about everything from being a single mom and dating after divorce to finding love later in life, the devastation of miscarriage, the loss of a loved one and starting over. Her pieces are lovingly filled with inspiration, encouragement, and always a touch of humor. “Live a life worth writing about.”

Image courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio.