I have a question for you: “Would you like to start the new year feeling clear – mentally & emotionally? Like your physical space to feel clear and coherent? Like to be free of some of the relationship drama or distress in your personal or professional relationships?”

Imagine how you would feel if you had more space in the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next year.

Are you exhaling yet?

Of course our answers to this possibility are YES! Starting the new year clear is not just a nice to have – it’s what any wise person would do.

But how do you ‘do’ that? Especially in the intense year(s) we’ve been through?

My council has been the same for a decade, and it’s even more essential in the times we are living in. The wisdom is clear:

You put into place simple but mighty practices that empower to you make choices that lead to you working and living and feeling in the f.l.o.w. (Focusing Lifeforce On What matters)

The practice is called a Power Pause. Power Pauses use the wisdom tool of ‘intuitive thinking inquiries’ that reveal insights you miss if you only operate from your mental mind vs your higher and heart mind.

What follows below are 4 inquiries I slow down to ask myself every December. Ask and answer these for yourself so you can end the year feeling good about what you’ve done, clear in mind and heart, ready to step into the new year reset.

  1. What do I desire to complete to set me up to step into 2022 replenished, reset and open to receive in my:
    Professional life: projects and goals
    Personal foundation: health, finances and home
  2. What would I love to let go, release or clean up before year end? These are emotional judgements or baggage, relational realities or mental patterns that are calling for attention to bring into coherency or leave behind.
  3. What connections do I desire to make (new ones or reconnecting to old ones) now, and will reach out to before we complete 2021?
  4. What would feel good and aligned to re-flow– move this into next year, and by doing so release self-induced pressure? Knowing that I can re-engage with this in the new year.

It helps a lot to write these out and then take simple but mighty action. Share with a friend for extra accountability.

For an extra resource, tune into episode 171 POWER PAUSE: Inquiries that Will Support You to Complete the Year Feeling Clear on my podcast, Feminine Power Time. And then join me for the annual year end Reflection Ritual www.ReflectionRitual.com

Christine Arylo, MBA, is the author of Overwhelmed and Over It. As a transformational leadership advisor, three-time bestselling author, and host of the popular Feminine Power Time podcast, she is recognized worldwide for her work helping women to make shift happen — in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the world they wish to create. Arylo offers trainings, retreats and workshops globally. Visit her online at http://www.christinearylo.com or tune into her podcast www.FemininePowerTime.com. Connect more with Christine and her community at www.femininewisdomcafe.com.



Image courtesy of Ryanniel Masucol.