Harmonize. To get yourself aligned on the inside so that the choices you make and the way you show up in your day to day come from the deeper truth and knowing within you.
Harmonize. To choose to connect with your higher Self – your Wise Woman/Man/Being” – who knows how to walk through any threshold (change) because it is deeply attuned to Grace, the Divine, Expanded Possibility.
I’ve been thinking of you all! Waiting for the words to come about what is needed to support us all to stay awake, aware, wise and clear.
As we walk through what is called a “threshold crossing”, a catalyst, a challenge beckoning us to change, as individuals and a society, culture and world, with lots of uncertainty … what is needed is for each of us to stay awake, be wise, stay harmonized … so together we can rise.

In this series on Crossing Over to a New World, not a New Normal.
What we are experiencing in the world right now is like one of those major catalysts that happen in a life that gives you both the challenge and the grace to make significant shifts, quantum leaps.
The kind that can propel us into a world personally and collectively that can create more harmony, connection and wholeness vs. so much of what we’ve been tolerating or assimilating into for a long time.
It is a challenging intense time… we need to be aware and with it, and we also don’t want to miss the expansion and possibility here for us by running to find a new normal.
Today, we start by diving into our own inner worlds – connecting to that deep wisdom within you … to support you to get harmonized on the inside, so as you walk through this catalyst you can work with the energy and reality to expand and rise into what your heart and soul is oh so ready for.
Tune in …. let’s talk about how to stay present to what is… how to RESET your rhythm and patterns to support and sustain you through this threshold… how to get clear and real about what is calling for you to RELEASE so you can RISE… and tap deep into your wisdom self to reveal what you need to REMEMBER to help you walk through this threshold crossing to trust the process, walk step by step and rise into what is next.
Wherever this finds you today, I am sending you much LOVE!
Stay awake. Be wise. Stay harmonized. Together we rise.
P.S. A clarification on one of the metaphors I used in the episode..I have nothing against Kansas. I have never actually been to Kansas 🙂 So for anyone from Kansas or who love it, or whose ancestors pioneered there, love to you! and please receive the metaphor as just that. xoxo
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Christine Arylo, MBA, is a women’s leadership advisor, transformational teacher and best selling author who works with women to make shift happen – in the lives they lead, the work they do, and the impact they desire to make. Marrying 20 years of business experience with 15 years of feminine & yogic wisdom training, Arylo illuminates how to lead and live a different way, the “feminine way” – professionally successful, internally empowered, and personally sustainable and satisfying. A powerful mentor and teacher known for her ability to translate deep wisdom into practical super powers, her programs on intuition, feminine power, and cultivating resilience, self-love and courage have reached over 35,000 students worldwide. She’s committed to working with emerging and established women leaders to awaken their full power and presence to lead the world and those they love and lead to more a more sustainable, compassionate and equitable world for all. Arylo is known for her powerful and real presence that inspires personal and social transformation. And for her stand for sisterhood and what is possible when women come together, drop their masks, speak from their hearts and truly support each other. Christine currently lives on an island off the coast of Seattle, where she is working on her fourth book: “Overwhelmed and Over It: Why It’s Not Your Fault and How to Find the Power To Change It.” Learn more about Christine at www.ChristineArylo.com and learn more about her Feminine Power Time Podcast at www.FemininePowerPodcast.com.
Image courtesy of Oliver Pacas.