I like to imagine my dreams coming true in great detail. Where I’ll be. What I’ll be wearing. Precisely how I’ll be feeling. And mostly, who I’ll turn to to say, “It happened! Can you believe it? Score! We did it; the day has come; they called; I’m there; we made it; it’s here, for real, really really for real.”
I’m thinking of those people in my life. The sweetest of the sweets who have watered me with their spoken faith. The steadfast, the patient, the idealists who have waited for me without pacing, happily being with the rhythm of growth. The ones who left long voicemails of buoyant belief. The ones who are so satisfied in their own core that they easily step outside of themselves and into my dreams. Su happiness es mi happiness. The sparklers. The realists. Fanners of flames. The loves of my life.
The first people I will call to celebrate when…
Who will you call when your day comes? When your ship arrives, when you make it, earn it, get what you’ve been wanting so long and so deeply?
Thank them now.
Make them dinner this weekend.
Water them with your faith.
Celebrate arriving at today with them in your orbit.
Say thank you before tomorrow comes.
. . . . . . .

Danielle LaPorte is the author of The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide for Creating Success on Your Own Terms. An inspirational speaker, former think tank exec, and business strategist, she is the co-author of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. DanielleLaPorte.com is named one of the top 100 websites for women by Forbes Magazine. Find Danielle on Facebook + Twitter @daniellelaporte + at her digital temple: DanielleLaPorte.com
*Photo by woodleywonderworks.