Dear beautiful soul,

I’m so grateful that you are reading this letter and that somehow life has brought us together in this moment so that I can speak these words to your heart. First and foremost, I want you to know that YOU matter, that your life here on this earth is not an accident or a mistake, and that despite whatever seemingly insurmountable challenges you are facing or pain you are experiencing in this moment, you are here for a reason and your life is worth living.

What is that reason? What’s the point of it all?

I believe that we are here to heal, to learn, to grow, to unite, to create and to Love and be Loved more powerfully than ever before. Each of us is here on the planet at this time to contribute in our own, unique, one of a kind way to the whole. Each of us has a unique set of gifts to offer that are essential to the healing of the planet and to the human race.

That includes you.

Yes, YOU are an indispensable piece of the puzzle and fabric of the tapestry of our global family and our collective story’s unfolding. You may not believe it, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that YOU have an irreplaceable part to play.

You may not know exactly what that is yet and that’s totally ok. In that case, a great place to start is to just acknowledge that that’s a possibility and begin to explore what that might be for you. Whatever excites, inspires, interests or calls to you in any way, even if it’s just a tiny blip on your radar is a great first clue worth following.

That said, there is an even deeper truth to the reason for your existence and your life, which goes beyond anything that you are meant to do or any action you need to take.

Your Being is enough. Your existence is enough.

You just being alive, being here and BEING YOU is enough, and is in and of itself a gift. @ChrisAssaad (Click to Tweet!)

Life is a miracle and gift to us and every life is a gift to others. Each of us has our own flavour of being-ness to contribute to the big soup that we’re all a part of and each of us is here to REMEMBER, to DISCOVER, to FEEL, to EXPERIENCE and to KNOW the inherent value of who we are.

Sometimes, that can be the farthest thing from how we feel and what seems true in our weakest and hardest moments, but it remains true and our task in those moments is to reconnect to that.

Every time we do that, we are choosing life. And every time we CHOOSE LIFE, by that simple yet profoundly powerful choice alone, we are playing our part.

There have been some notable instances of late of people taking their own lives. My hope is that the sadness and ripples of these departures can bring us even closer together as a global community to love each other, support each other and make us stronger and more focused in our collective and individual will to CHOOSE LIFE.

If you are reading this and you’re feeling alone, overwhelmed, misunderstood, hopeless, please know that you are loved, and cared for. Please know that you are not alone and that there are so many out there who would love to lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on, or offer a reminder and a reason to keep going.

Starting with me. I’m here. I care. I see you and I love you. I’m with you and I have your back. Your life matters to me, and I’m committed to your healing, your wholeness and to you having a positive and empowered experience of life.

So please don’t suffer in silence and give yourself permission to reach out for a helping hand.

We’re in this together. Let’s CHOOSE LIFE.

Much love,


Chris Assaad is a singer-songwriter from Toronto who left a promising career in law several years ago to follow his heART and his passion for music. Since then, Chris has been sharing his eclectic blend of soulful roots music across the globe and actively using his voice to enCOURAGE others to live a life they love. Chris is also a writer, storyteller and inspirational force and is known by some as the author of a written quote that was recently shared, liked, and reposted over a million times on social media. You can connect with Chris and hear music from his latest album, I Won’t Die, at

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